Update #1 – March 17, 2020
Highland Canine Training (HK9) has been closely monitoring the updates provided from the CDC, NCDHHS and various other health and federal institutions in regards to the COVID-19 virus. The following are changes that will be implemented immediately in order to be meet the guidelines and recommendations provided by these institutions. Updates and possibly changes to these procedures will be provided if and when the guidelines from these institutions change.
CDC is currently recommending that groups be limited to less than 50 but the President has said that their task force is recommending groups less than 10. To be on the safe side, we are making the following changes:
- We will break the class of students up into three groups. One group will remain in the large classroom, one group will go to the small classroom, and the third will go to the pro shop.
- Lectures will be conducted via Zoom in the small classroom and the Pro shop so that all students can watch the lecture.
- Students will be rotated by staff into the three different locations at various times.
- Each class of students will arrive and depart separately.
Practicals/Working with Dogs
- As we have lots of room to keep the recommended 6 feet separation, nothing will change with how we are conducting this portion of the program.
- There should be no work that requires more than 10 students to be congregated.
- When there is a demonstration of any type, students will be required to keep 6 feet separation between them.
- Group Obedience will remain the same, but will now require students to be separated by six feet (basically, we are just going to spread out).
Cleaning Processes
- Staff will be disinfecting each table/chair/common areas after each lecture is complete.
- HK9 equipment such as prong collars, e-collars that are provided for students use will be disinfected upon return to staff.
What to do if you are sick:
- If you are showing signs of being sick, report this immediately to Greg Vaughn (text, Slack, in-person, etc.).
- HK9 staff will help you to contact appropriate health officials to determine if they recommend further testing for the COVID-19 (or other viruses, e.g. the flu).
- Until further notice, it is unauthorized to have groups of more than 10 in any of the student housing units.
- For VA students, the current guidelines on the COVID-19 and how it will affect the GI-Bill can be found at: https://www.nasfaa.org/covid19 : This site says that changes are ongoing and updates will be provided as soon as decisions are made. Please ensure you understand the implications of how this will affect your benefits.
Other Resources:
- https://www.cdc.gov/
- https://www.nasfaa.org/covid19
- https://www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/public-health/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-response-north-carolina
If you have any questions, please let us know. We understand and share the concern surrounding the COVID-19 virus and will continue to monitor new guidelines as they are promulgated and keep you informed of any changes.